Here Are Some Common Questions About Our Done For You Book Writing and Publishing Services.

Frequently Ask Questions

What if I'm not sure I have enough to say for a book?

That’s precisely why you should talk to us–we’ll help you make sure your idea is good enough for a book.

Our process does not work unless you actually have a book’s worth of ideas in your head. We don’t add any content to your book; we only get your book out of your head. So the very first step in our process–before we start–is ensuring that you do, in fact, have a book in you.

Not everyone has a book in them, and we’re happy to tell you that. We only want to work with people who have a good book idea that will be interesting to readers and bring them a clear ROI.

The reality we’ve found is that most professionals actually have more than one book in them. Someone who has spent a lot of time gaining deep expertise in a field typically has a lot of knowledge that would be more interesting to people than they realize. For most people we deal with, the question is not whether they have a book in them, it’s how many, and which one should they do first.

What if I have more than one book in me?

We’ve found this to be true with many professionals; they have multiple books in them, and aren’t sure how to divide them or where to start. We’re are perfectly set up to help you figure out which book you should do first, and why.

We begin by helping you understand exactly why you’re writing a book, what results you want this investment to get you, which of your book ideas will do the best for you, and then how to proceed.

What if I'm not sure what I want my book to be about? Should I figure that out first?

No. You should call us, because this is exactly what we do–help you figure out if you have a book in you, and what exactly the topic should be.

And of course, we will do that BEFORE you decide to work with us (and pay us).

Our Book Developers have usually spent decades in publishing, and are experts at helping you understand not only what the best book is in you, but how it can help you.

Probably the most valuable part of our process for most people is what we call “positioning.” This is where we help you figure out exactly what your book is about. It works by running you through three questions:

1. What result must this book create in order to be a success for you?
2. What audience do you need to reach in order to get that result?
3. What do you have to say that’s interesting and valuable to that audience?

The whole process is explained here.

Am I the author of the book? Is it in my voice?

Yes, you’re the sole author of your book, and yes, it is in your voice.

You are the only one contributing the ideas, the knowledge, and the content to the book. We add no content, so it would be inappropriate for us to take any authorial credit. The idea is what matters, not the scribe who copies it down.

Furthermore the writing itself is exclusively in your voice. That is part of what makes our process so different from ghostwriting. We are essentially a conduit to get your ideas into a book by properly structuring and organizing and recording them. But the ideas and content are 100% yours.

What makes Book For You different from ghostwriting?

Simply put, ghostwriting means the book is not really your ideas or words. With Book For You, your book is entirely your ideas and your words.

Ghostwriters start with your concept for a book, and some of your ideas, but the words and tone and voice are theirs. In essence, ghostwriting means someone else writes a book, and then you pay them so you can put your name on it. It’s not really your book.

With Book For You, your book is authored by you. The ideas and words and content are entirely yours, and are in your voice. We add no content, no words, no ideas. We put nothing in that did not come out of your mouth and your brain.

We like to say that we help you translate your ideas into a proper, professional book, but all meaningful parts of authorship are yours, so you are the sole author.

The two other main differences are these:

1. Ghostwriters only give you a manuscript, and do nothing else. We do full publishing and distribution.

2. A good ghostwriter is much more expensive than our process (usually 100k+ for a good one).

We’re able to be much cheaper precisely because we don’t add content, we just translate your ideas into book content.

If you don’t know what you’re talking about, then you need to hire a ghostwriter. That way the ghostwriter can do the research and write a book that makes sense, and you get to have your name on it.

Is there anyone who should not work with Book For You?

Yes, definitely. Here is a partial list of the types of people who are not good fits for our process: 

  • You Don’t Know Your Topic: If you don’t know what you’re talking about on your subject, and need to do more research. In essence, if you can’t teach your topic to someone else.
  • You Want To Type Everything Yourself: Part of the value of our process is saving you time from having to type so much. If you enjoy that typing, then you may not be a good fit for our process.
  • You Don’t Know Why You Want To Write A Book: If you have no idea at all why you want to write a book or what you will use the book for, then we are probably a bad fit. Our service requires a big investment, so you should have an idea of why you are investing that money.
How long does the whole process take, start to finish?

If you work at our speed, we are comfortable promising a completely finished and published book within 3 to 5 months (sometimes a little shorter).

How long will my book be?

Book length is entirely dependent on the author and their book topic. We don’t have a fixed length, but generally find that most authors end up around 150 pages.

We’ve got a lot of data on this, and for non-fiction books this is the optimal length–both for readers and for authors. It is not an intimidating length, so readers are more likely to buy and actually read the book, and it’s about the right length for most authors, where they are saying substantive things, but not repeating themselves or padding the pages.

We are big believers in books being only as long as they have to in order to make their point, and no longer.

How can I make money with my book?

There are many ways to monetize a book. You can use a book to raise your visibility, develop your authority, generate leads for your business, bring you clients, get speaking gigs, sell products, launch businesses, and achieve many other objectives. A book is the best multi-purpose marketing tool there is.

Do you do fiction?

No, not right now.

What marketing comes with the Book For You package?

The marketing needs of each book vary depending on the goals of the author. If one author wants leads, she or he will do something different than the author who wants media attention, so it’s impossible for us to offer a scalable, comprehensive solution that meets the needs of all authors. We’d rather not try to force every author into a one-size-fits-all solution. Instead, we help people find the best solution for them and their needs. But for most authors, we offer:

Amazon Promotion: The first thing we do is what we call the Amazon Bestseller Program. We promote your book to email lists and groups that are interested in your book topic, and pair that with both a free and a 99-cent promotion. This usually results in anywhere from 3,000 to 10,000 people either downloading or buying copies of the book, and usually also results in the book becoming number 1 in its Amazon subcategory.

I can't afford your services, but I still want to write my book. Is there any other way for us to work together?

Sorry about that. Right now might not be the best time to get published because of your limited budget but you can surely get in touch with us when you can afford our service and we will be glad to be of help.

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