Let’s face it – nobody give a damn about your book.
That’s isn’t true anyway.
Your Mum, Dad, Wife, Hubby, Boyfriend or Girlfriend cares about you and won’t mind buying a copy or two of your book and maybe some of your friends who don’t want you to feel bad.
Away from your loved ones, nobody give a damn about your book – and you!
Because your book is just another book out there – one in many millions of books out there.
And you are also “just another author” out there – nothing differentiate you from other authors.
Setup yourself for success as an author and be the brand that you and your book should be.
Give readers and your target book audience reasons to buy your book and be your raving fans.
Don’t be like every author out there and stop having your book(s) adding to the millions of “just another book” been published everyday. To be and own a brand, first you have to identify it. Be it your major goal as an author, or your reason for becoming an author in the first place, knowing what you stand for and what you want will set you on the road to total domination for you as an author and for your book(s) as well in your niche or genre..
After our Book BrandMeet interview reveals what makes you and your book(s) different, we show you off with Badass Book and Author Branding that gets you noticed, remembered, loved and sell-able. Our Book Brandup executes your entire book and author brand, from developing the strategy & message through designing your book assets (covers, interior, author/book website etc), and gets you out there as a book and author brand that can’t be ignored.
See how or author and book branding services differs from your regular book cover design and other author services out there
A “me too” book service
You get a generic “me too” branding in return
A standout differentiating and sell-able branding solution for you and your book that makes you and your book what people want to associate with.