3 Skills You Needs to Sell More Books

Writing, publishing – yes, those are damn simple and natural to many authors but talk about marketing and then many get that cold shiver.

As much as writing is cool and you don’t need to learn how to write or even publish your book, there are other skills needed to make writing and publishing of your book a success.

In this post, you will find out three skills you need to learn to sell more of your books.


Are You Making Any Of These Ten Mistakes As An Author?

Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Blogging, Author Platform, Email list….

There are many things we are always thinking about as an author when it comes to the time to sell a book.

Opening a Twitter account, starting a fancy looking Facebook page and perhaps designing a new website, and maybe get back to using your blog, which you had forgotten all about while getting your book written and published.

Then the sales will roll in and the sales will start coming.

That’s seems to be a fairytale anyway – things just don’t work like that.

I made lot of mistakes like these when I published my first three books.

The question now is.

How many of these ten mistakes are you making right now?


It Takes Money To Make Money But How Can You Know When You Are Spending Rightly To Sell Your Book?

Even in Freetown, nothing is free!

That might not be a good news for you as an author if you are on a shoestring budget.

But free is still a great word – only that you should know the price you are paying in exchange for free.

If you’ve got some book marketing budget, then read on.

If driving a positive ROI is a high priority to you, it’s important to measure your results. Crunching numbers might not be as fun as publishing your next masterpiece, but wasting money on campaigns that don’t meet your goals isn’t fun either.

How to Know If Your Book Marketing Campaigns Made Money?

Find out the “how” here


Author Platform – Not Just Another Word You Should Know As An Author.

Books sell best through word-of-mouth. A reader reads a book, then recommends that book. These recommendations travel along networks. It can be a celebrity recommending a book to millions via television networks, or a chance face-to-face meeting of old friends. A network that passes a recommendation from readers to potential readers is a platform, and building an author’s or brand’s platform becomes one of the most important tasks of book marketing.

However, the process of platform-building is different for each author or brand.

Here are 7 Steps to Building Your Own Author Platform


Good news! Good news!! Good news!!! The Book Marketing Bible You Have Been Waiting For Is Here

What will you do if I am to give you all you need to know about marketing a book and what you should do and not do?

This is a blast from past and it’s a heck of tips and lessons that will help you take better decisions as an author in the pursuit of selling your book.


Show Me Your Author Friends And I Will Tell You If Your Book Will Sell Or Not

You are the average of five people you hang out with.

This isn’t different for authors.

How do you hang out with.

Really, it can be lonely being an author especially if you are the type who need to shut the doors off or go to an ancient café to write your book.

But having writer and author friends who understand what you do and who are also interested in what you want as results as an author can go a long way to determine if you succeed or not in your writing career.

But how can you make great writer friends that you can grow with?

Here is How to Build a Network of Writer Friends


Here And There Around The Globe

  1. Creating a book marketing and publicity plan is a necessity for indie authors and it’s advisable for even most traditionally-published authors to set up some personal market tactics to execute in tandem with their publishers’ efforts.
  2. We’ve had dozens of authors successfully use this simple idea over the years, including in the corporate-sales arena. And don’t tell me it won’t work in the digital era—it’s still kickin’ butt.
  3. 18 Steps To A Successful Book Marketing Campaign
  4. There’s a better way: attracting the right readers to you naturally, and building a system that sells your books on autopilot, so you can get back to writing. These are some of the ideas you can play with.
  5. This is how Smart Writers Write to Market their Books and also here is A “NEW” Way of Book Marketing


Latest Self-Publishing News From Around The Globe

Amazon is Soaring High

Amazon is in the news again. First quarter profits beat expectations. This led to a 4% rise in their share price. And this fascinating article demonstrates exactly what this means for Jeff Bezos’ personal wealth.

Audible in the News Again

Last week, we looked at the suspension of gifting via Audible. This week saw a story that was similar in many ways over box sets, with a particularly scathing take on indies who have achieved bestseller status by joining together to produce box sets. Much of the controversy seems to surround the use of gifting – this is clearly a part of the literary selling landscape that is going to need to be watched. It has led to some really hot discussion on The Passive Voice.


Book Of The Week

Every week’s episodes of Authors Crib Digest will feature the book of the week. This will be a book I have read myself and seen to be worthy of your time, money and energy.

Our book of the week today is Guerrilla Publishing: Revolutionary Book Marketing Strategies

Go get a copy here

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