Purple Cow and Other Seth Godin’s Book Marketing Tips

In real life, I was like a purple cow but that term never was in my reality until I read Purple Cow by Seth Godin.
In today’s marketing reality online, it can be crazy to get people’s attention and even make them listen to what you have got to say but if there is anyone worth listening to in the online marketing space, then that will be Seth Godin.
In this interview with him on the esteemed Social Media Marketing podcast – an on-demand talk radio show from Social Media Examiner, he shares his thoughts on publishing and marketing book and also his philosophy on writing, the importance he puts on blogging and more.

And for those who don’t know who  Seth Godin is. He is an author of 17 books, including Purple Cow (my favorite of his books), Permission Marketing and Tribes. He blogs every day on topics related to marketing, leadership and more. He also has an excellent podcast mini-series called Seth Godin’s Startup School.

This Is What Happened When 12 Self-Publishing And Book Marketing Meet.

Imagine Joanna Penn, Nick Stephenson, David Gaughran, Derek Murphy, Tom Corson Knowles, Shelley Hitz, Jane Friedman, Penny Sansevieri et all (wow, that’s a heck of name calling but I just can’t help doing that) – all hanging out in a coffee shop to show you their best book marketing tips?

Ya, that really happened –  just without the coffee.

From this blast from the past, 12 best-selling authors who are also self-publishing and book marketing experts shares their Book Marketing Tips.

Go get a cup of latte, relax and go read this great roundup and don’t forget to send me a buck for showing you this (how can I send you my PayPal email?) – just kidding!

Can It Hurt To Ask? – Indie Authors Now The New Lazy Dude In Town?

Our lives as an author can be fun especially when writing books. The last time I wrote a book, my girl wasn’t around and I never noticed!

But for most authors, selling published books seems to be a heck of a big deal.

We all need help and if you are a shy and lazy guy like me, then asking for help can be pretty hard.

But we can’t exist happily alone as an author – we need readers!

Now, will asking for help from others to help get words out about our book be a crime?

A great debate ensues and I just arrived to join the debate at the right time

The topic for the debate is Is Expecting People to Help You Market Your Books Lazy?

I had a great time watching the proceeding from the stand with a can of diet coke (yes, I am watching my weight) and as the nice guy I am, I brought you good tidings from the debate.

Here is how it went that day

And I won’t go without telling you Seth Godin sat at my side during the debate – you remember him?. I just love this dude and I don’t know why – maybe because I am just a Purple Cow and He wrote about me!

Here And There Around The Globe

  1. According to a recent survey (and what I know, what you know as an author as well), many authors struggle with book marketing and book research. Marlena Smith, a social media and marketing expert offer some insights into solutions to these problems and more.  She split it all out here.
  2. Marketing a book has parallels to the marketing of any other product or service. With that reality in mind, here is organized a 14 P framework that can be used for conceptualizing and planning any book marketing launch
  3. As a self-published author, there are some things that you can do to improve your business, further your brand, and hopefully make more money by selling more books. It’s 2017 is still a new year to us anyway na here. we’ve got a list of 5 great resolutions for authors like you and I.


Latest Self-Publishing News From Around The Globe

Sunday Times PFD Young Writer of the Year

Last week saw the launch of the 2018 Sunday Times Peters Fraser Dunlop Young Writer of the Year Award. Entries will be open until June 2nd and are open to any book published in the year leading up to that date by a UK citizen or someone resident in the UK for the past three years, aged between 18 and 35.The Prize is committed to keeping its doors open for the foreseeable future, so please get your pens out, your ideas flowing, and your manuscripts polished.

Microsoft Has Got A Bookstore!

There has been speculation that part of the new release of Windows 10 would include Microsoft’s entry into the ebook sales arena, complete with their own in-browser ereader. It seems that this is, indeed, going to happen when the launch goes live on April 11. Watch this space. Meanwhile Yahoo Japan has gone the other way, outsourcing the operation of its ebook store to ebook Initiative Japan.

..And Microsoft Isn’t Alone In The Bookstore Battle

Microsoft isn’t the only ebook retail news.  Amazon will be opening a store in the coming year for pretty much every store Barnes and Noble closes. A new Amazon store really is no longer news. What remains news, for now at least, though is the other side of that equation as Barnes and Noble’s shares fell over dividend concerns, taking the year’s tumble so far to over 17%. Ouch.

And finally….Influencers and Retailing..

Amazon aren’t just opening bookstores though. The Amazon Influencers programme, which has just launched in beta will give those whose social media reach is largest hypercharged affiliate-style bonuses. Think “doing to the affiliate programme what White Glove and Amazon imprints did to KDP

Book Of The Week

Every week’s episodes of Authors Crib Digest will feature the book of the week. This will be a book I have read myself and seen to be worthy of your time, money and energy.

Our book of the week today is BadRedhead Media 30-Day Book Marketing Challenge: How to energize your book sales in a month

Go get a copy on Amazon – it’s worth a read.

By buying a copy of any book mentioned in this section of Authors Crib Digest, I will be getting pennies as Amazon Affiliate Commission (not too bad to help me get a cup of latte while crawling the web to curate this episode of Authors Crib Digest)

See you next Monday!

Authors Crib Digest is a weekly curated newsletter featuring the best of book publishing, writing and marketing tips, resources, news and information across the web – without the fluffs.

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